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PLEASE NOTE: This was written in 2018 / early 2019 but the same principles apply today. To see the latest factsheets which you may wish to incorporate, please click here.
The only thing that now matters is deluging MPs with letters,
telling them to respect democracy and to respect the result of the EU Referendum.
All information on how to do this is below.
This is a serious campaign, backed by politicians, pro-Brexit groups, and ordinary voters in their thousands.
What is the ‘Go WTO’ campaign?
- To present the positive case of the clean Brexit opportunity represented by an exit on WTO terms
- To provide a means for the public to express their support for this to their MPs
- To ensure that the UK exits the EU according to the decision of the British people - NOW
The simple idea is for the public to make clear to the Remain-dominated Parliament that the Referendum vote must be respected in full and that the UK must leave the EU - NOW.
Given the failure of the Government to negotiate a Withdrawal Deal which is remotely acceptable to the vast majority of people – or MPs - this means leaving the EU on WTO terms, which is the default position in Article 50 and the default position in the legislation passed by the UK Parliament last year.
What can you do to help?
Without you this campaign is nothing. Unless you do something, all the many hundreds of hours put in by many people will be in vain.
There is one major, incontrovertible priority for all those who voted to leave the European Union in the Referendum and who wish to see this implemented NOW.
This is the ONLY thing that matters in the entire Brexit debate. It is the ONLY thing that has a fighting chance of influencing events now – when anti-democratic MPs are once again trying to bring down Brexit by overturning centuries of Parliamentary tradition.
Forget rallies preaching to the converted, forget protests outside Parliament, forget tweeting, forget posting on Facebook… you can even forget talking back angrily to the BBC or Sky News whilst watching their anti-Brexit coverage.
Put all these things on hold and do one thing.
We are now entering the final Battle for Brexit
Quite simply, there is nothing you can do which is more important than threatening the livelihood of your MP. This is the only thing which might influence some of these anti-democratic and arrogant MPs, and convince them of the strength of feeling around the country.
Appeals to them to read some actual facts about Brexit won’t work on their own. So many of them stand up in the Commons day after day and repeat what they’re been told, despite not having the barest acquaintance with any of the official facts we’ve been churning out daily for three years.
Our advice is to hit them where it matters to them : their majorities, and the vote share of their parties.
Letters, surgery visits, calls, and (only in the last resort) emails
- Send a letter to your MP (see below) – bulging mailbags with thousands of letters are impossible to ignore
- Find out if your MP is holding a surgery this weekend – if so, go
- Visit your MP’s constituency office, or at the very least call them
- Only when you have done some of the above should you send your MP an email
Once again we must stress that sending an email to your MP is of limited value. They already receive thousands and it’s mostly their assistants who deal with them. Thousands of letters are much more difficult to overlook.
Below are some options and ideas which you could use. These come from our library of letters and flyers. The best thing of all of course is to go to your MP’s surgery and tell them in person. Or call their constituency office or their number in Parliament. Failing that, please send them one of our letters, or much better still write one of your own.
Some of our latest one-page flyers are below
("Is the EU a trading bloc or political project?", "EU Defence Union Pt 1", "EU Defence Union Pt 1", "Brexit is economic equivalent of 18 member states leaving at once")
You can download any of these as a PDF by just clicking on it. Please then send it to your MP today.
All the advice has been available in our ‘Brexit Battle Pack’ since last summer. It’s full of information on how you can act to achieve the best possible effect. It even includes advice on how to contact the media when they produce biased reports.
“I’ve received 3 times as many letters from pro-Remain constituents”
- A Remain MP who thinks we must delay Brexit
Who is backing it?
We have 4 lead MPs, 3 lead MEPs, and 15 pro-Brexit organisations all supporting this public campaign. It was initiated by us, Brexit Facts4EU.Org, but this is your campaign - for ordinary voters.
It is important for any public campaign like this to have the support of MPs who respect the vote to leave the European Union. All four have made themselves available for interviews with the BBC, Sky News, and ITN, as well as to the press.
Headline politicians and pro-Brexit organisations backing the #GoWTO public campaign:-
- The Rt Hon David Jones MP (Con)
Formerly Minister of State for Exiting the European Union and formerly Secretary of State for Wales - Andrea Jenkyns MP (Con)
MP for Morley and Outwood, who famously defeated Ed Balls in 2015. Member of the Exiting the European Union Select Committee - Graham Stringer MP (Lab)
Member of Parliament for Blackley and Broughton, a consistent and prominent Eurosceptic in the Parliamentary Labour Party - Anne Marie Morris MP (Con)
Member of Parliament for Newton Abbot, an increasingly popular Eurosceptic in her constituency and in the ERG
On behalf of our readers we would like to thank our supporting MPs and MEPs for putting aside their political differences in the national interest.
What does the ‘Go WTO’ campaign consist of?
- PDF summaries of the “Go WTO” solution, to send to MPs
- Press release and PR team in place, to get supporting MPs onto TV and in the papers
- Widespread, paid social media campaign
- Specially-created tiles (images with text embedded with punchy messages) for social media
- Summary articles on aspects of WTO exit, with a dedicated WTO section
- This newly-revamped, user-friendly website
The only thing that can now make a difference
Parliament has shown itself to be full of people who don’t respect democracy, despite using it to gain their current employment. Specifically they don’t respect the result of the EU Referendum.
They must now be told to respect the Referendum result, and vote to allow the UK to leave NOW on WTO terms with some sensible side agreements on things like citizens’ rights. They must be told that if they do not, you will never vote for them again.
Remain groups have been active in the last two and a half years, while most Leave groups slept. (Brexit Facts4EU.Org were the only group which carried on researching and publishing on 24 June 2016 and every day since.)
Please donate to our clean, World Trade Brexit, 'Go WTO' campaign
We're presenting a simple, positive, and factual case for a true Brexit NOW.
Please contribute today. Everything we do costs money and we really need your help right now.
Sadly, MPs have been allowed to gain the view that the majority who voted for Leave will not kick up a fuss. Please help us to prove them wrong.
We rely on the public's support to continue. Please give something today if you can and you'll also get access to our Brexit Index. We badly need your help to carry on.
Last update: 17 Apr 2019
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Reader Comments 16
1. Lisa, Preston , Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 07:24:
Don't agree with Harvey. Love the new site and find it easy and quick to navigate. And I can see you're improving it each day. Well done for never stopping!
2. Harvey Paul , Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 11:46:
I appreciate your fine work. Don't get me wrong. It just needs some tweaks to navigate. The link to the mini posters on the GoWTO page would help. I do think you should post each of the 16 mini posters on your Twitter individually with a link. Just a suggestion. All the best.
Kind regard
3. Greg, Leeds , Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 15:56:
I've been following your campaign from the beginning. I read all the articles you published here and also and your News pages - very impressive work. I decided to make a small but regular donation to this cause because it's so important that we all get behind this.The more you can promote this the better.
I sent your letter / flyer to my MP a week ago. My wife did hers at the weekend.
4. Dawn H, Sunderland , Thursday, January 17, 2019, 08:56:
The establishment machinery is firing on all cylinders to work against a clean WTO exit. We must push back on this and do everything we can - whilst we still can. Please everyone send out a letter and encourage fellow Brexiteers to do the same!
We need every single one of us to tip the balance back. #GoWTO
5. Leslie / Liverpool , Thursday, January 17, 2019, 10:06:
We need action! It looks like most of our MPs - who we put our trust and faith in - won't support us either, for whatever reason. We're on our own people, so we need to be together. Join the WTO Campaign to grow it as large as we can!
6. John/Surrey , Thursday, January 17, 2019, 17:29:
It's great that you are stressing the positive aspects of WTO.
Any chance of a rebuttal image...showing up the Project Fear lies against WTO. Planes will fly because..., no traffic problems because... no Customs hold ups because...medicine worries - NHS reassurances etc?
Many thanks
REPLY FROM BREXIT FACTS4EU.ORG TEAM: Thanks for the encouragement, John. This is one of the items on our agenda. Unfortunately we're operating on minimal funding and so we can't immediately do everything we would like. Rest assured we're working as fast as we can, on a range of initiatives! :)
7. Andy / Warwickshire , Wednesday, January 23, 2019, 07:12:
It's ridiculous to get rid of the "n0 deal" option because there's no way we want it. So those naive MPs, based on the same logic, would get rid of our nuclear deterrent unilaterally - what a pathetic bunch!
8. Harvey Paul , Wednesday, January 23, 2019, 16:00:
Are you getting any feedback or support from
If not, why not? Seeing as LML are running a Let's GO WTO campaign, I don't get why they are not a group supporting you or retweeting you etc?
Have you seen this petition. It is over 80,000. It has 8 days to hit 100,000.
9. Jenny , Saturday, January 26, 2019, 12:31:
WTO/No deal is our only Leverage now that the Remainers have done everything they can to weaken our negotiating position. We won, we shouldn't compromise!! You don't tell an Olympic athlete to compete again because the losers did not like losing nor do you ask him or her to share his Trophey with his losing competitors? This Nation voted Leave, which means Leave. Not part of it or a portion of but ALL of it. We were once a proud Nation but yet we can't pride ourselves in thinking that we are good enough to be successful without being controlled? I will NEVER change my mind!!
10. Adam Hiley , Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 17:25:
Get rid of Theresa May now and the Remoaners in the Cabinet Amber Rudd only has a majority of 300+ yet she has the temerity to block Our right to self determination
16 comments, page 1 of 2