Boris fiddles while Beijing burns… more and more coal

UN's Chinese spokesman lectures us on climate while his country consumes 1/2 the world's coal

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One country is producing & consuming half the World’s coal… and it’s getting worse

After Mr Johnson’s ‘coal mines and Thatcher’ remark, Facts4EU.Org looks at coal-fired China. Two connected issues have made the news in the last week, one of them national-political and the other geo-political. The first of these arose last Thursday during a press conference by the Prime Minister whilst on a visit to Scotland.

“We’ve transitioned away from coal in my lifetime. Thanks to Margaret Thatcher, who closed so many coal mines across the country, we had a big early start.”

- The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP, 06 Aug 2021

The second big news item, connected to the first, was the publication of the UN’s ‘Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’ (IPCC) Report. The full report with associated documents runs to over 2,000 pages, was written by 234 authors, and involved comments by over 75,000 specialists and organisations. It also cost millions to produce as well as countless flights.

This particular report focused on “Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis” and CO2 was the major part of it. Below we summarise the statements made by UN officials on its release.

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Key excerpts related to CO2 emissions

“Strong and sustained reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases would limit climate change.”

- IPCC Working Group I report, Climate Change 2021: the Physical Science Basis, 09 Aug 2021

“The evidence is clear that carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main driver of climate change, even as other greenhouse gases and air pollutants also affect the climate. Stabilizing the climate will require strong, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and reaching net zero CO2 emissions.”

- IPCC Working Group I Co-Chair Panmao Zhai, 09 Aug 2021

Chinese climatologist speaks for UN about CO2, while his own country pumps it out fastest

Chinese Panmao Zhai is a climatologist and is Secretary General of China’s Meteorological Society. He is one of the co-chairs of this report and was one of the two UN spokespersons on Monday, the other one being French.

Below is China’s recent record on coal production and consumption.

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China’s coal production and consumption – latest figures in each case
[Source: Latest figures from OWID / BP Statistical Review of World Energy / Shift Data Project]

1. Coal production (2016-2019)

  • China is the world’s single largest producer of coal
  • China produces 22.2TWh – 47.6% of the world’s coal
  • Its production has grown 12.7% in just the last four years
  • China’s increased production in four years accounts for 63% of the world’s increase in that time

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2. Coal consumption (2017-2020)

  • China accounts for more than half of all the world’s coal consumption
  • China consumes 22.9TWh – 54.3% of the world’s coal
  • The rest of the world has decreased coal consumption by 10% in the last four years
  • China has increased coal consumption by 2% in the last four years

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3. The UK's coal production and consumption

This is so tiny it would never show on any graph. To give some idea, China's coal consumption in 2020 was 423 times that of the United Kingdom.

Readers might also be interested in the report we published a week ago showing the average monthly temperatures in the UK over the last 30 years. It seemed to inflame a great number of people on social media, although all we did was report the official facts. You can read it here. Readers might also be interested in the report we did about Germany's coal consumption here, compared to the United Kingdom.


It almost beggars belief that the UN is happy to have a senior member of the Chinese elite representing it, pronouncing on climate change, and telling the rest of the world it needs to act urgently to reduce its emissions of CO2.

All of this while Mr Panmao Zhai will know full well that his own country is not only responsible for over half the world’s consumption of coal (the biggest single cause of man-made CO2), but also that his country has actually been increasing both its consumption and production.

Boris fiddles while Beijing burns… more and more coal

The simple fact is that the UK could stop all CO2 emissions tomorrow and it would barely even register on the world’s CO2 charts. Meanwhile, China is (coal-)powering ahead, ramping up its production and consumption of coal. China now dominates in this area, as it already does increasingly in the products we buy.

The reason for this is also simple. China is expanding fast, manufacturing more and more of the consumer and industrial products that the world needs. In very basic terms, the western world has been transferring its production - and thereby its carbon footprint - to China. Meanwhile western economies and their consumers are all about to be hit with massive tax hikes and ever higher energy costs, to pay for the scramble to hit ‘net zero’ by 2050 (or later in the case of the EU).

Did you miss seeing this news on the BBC?

A small but well-respected think-tank with almost no money produced the above report. Facts4EU.Org’s resources compared to those of the taxpayer-funded BBC are so small they would barely keep a BBC executive in “Cinnamon Dolce Lattes” for a week.

We happen to think that giving our readers important facts and a sense of proportion is a worthwhile thing to do. The whole ‘climate change’ subject is complex but it is possible to inform readers and to influence MPs on some very key issues. Sadly, the BBC seems happy to churn out what we refer to as “you’re all going to die-porn” and keep the public in a permanent state of fear.

Huge decisions will be made by the Government in the coming months and years (some of them have already been made but you have yet to feel the consequences) and if we are not careful our lives will change permanently and beyond recognition, before the majority of the public has noticed. If you care, please read what follows, thank you.

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[ Sources: UN's IPCC | OWID | BP Statistical Review of World Energy | Shift Data Project ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thur 12 Aug 2021

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