Sovereignty : Sunak is about to submit to the EU again – here’s why you should care

The EU contains its Brussels ‘Empire Control’, 27 countries, and 1 colony – Northern Ireland

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Pre-Brexit, the United Kingdom contained four nations – now it only has three

It is unconscionable (or should be) that in the 2020’s a foreign empire could take one of four parts of the United Kingdom as a colony - yet that is precisely what it has done.

In the next two weeks it is Brexit Facts4EU’s considered view based on multiple sources that Rishi Sunak’s Government will announce another sell-out to the EU. Specifically, he – or one of his Ministers - will announce the outcome of the negotiations with the European Union Commission over the vexed question of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Our report today is about the fundamental issue of sovereignty, on which all other arguments rest. The content below is not simply about Northern Ireland and it could fatally damage the Prime Minister’s political fortunes.

In preparation for this major news story, Brexit Facts4EU.Org is providing readers with some context against which to judge the Government’s announcement when it comes. We look at the fundamental principles as well as the position of the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party).

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

The facts - The EU Empire’s colony that is Northern Ireland

  • EU laws - present and future - prevail in Northern Ireland
  • The arbiter for these laws is the ECJ - a foreign court
  • The UK citizens in N.I. have no say and no vote over these laws
  • The Belfast (Good Friday) Peace Agreement has been overridden (according to the Supreme Court last week)
  • The 1800 Act of Union has been overridden (according to the Belfast High Court)
  • A border has been created in the Irish Sea
  • Trade has been disrupted
  • The goods available for Northern Irish consumers in supermarkets has been reduced
  • There has been considerable supply chain disruption
  • Businesses are confused surrounding EU taxes imposed

Most importantly, millions of UK citizens are subject to the laws and governance of a foreign power – with no representation.

What are the “7 Tests” which the DUP will apply to Rishi’s deal?

As long ago as 15 July 2021, DUP Leader the Rt Hon Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP stood up in the House of Commons during the debate led by Sir Bernard Jenkin MP on the Northern Ireland Protocol. He set out the DUP’s “7 tests” which any resolution of this EU-created problem would have to satisfy.

© DUP 2023 - click to enlarge

One year and seven months later and it seems extraordinary that once again the Government has failed to resolve an urgent matter in relation to Brexit. In the world of business it is highly likely that this would all have been concluded within four to six weeks.

For readers who like to read more detail…

Facts4EU has collated the main points made by Sir Bernard Jenkin MP and by Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP in the Commons debate in July 2021.

To read these please click here.

Why is the DUP’s approach less strident than ours?

The DUP’s main audience – especially with elections coming up in May – is quite naturally the people of Northern Ireland. This article should therefore be read in this context. Facts4EU’s and CIBUK’s audiences are more focused on the United Kingdom as a whole (including Northern Ireland) as well as to some extent including international readers.

When it comes to the EU’s Northern Ireland Protocol, the DUP, Facts4EU, and CIBUK and its other Affiliates all agree on one thing: The Protocol must go. Our messages may be nuanced in different ways but the end goal is the same. Sovereignty is all.

The absurdity and overt hostility of the EU

Regular readers will know that since its introduction Brexit Facts4EU has only ever advocated resiling from the N.I. Protocol completely.

It has caused major problems in the Province. And all of this over an infinitesimally small (for the EU) amount of goods trade from Northern Ireland which supposedly “threatens the integrity of the Single Market”.

© Brexit Facts4EU.Org 2023 - click to enlarge


The Protocol was only ever an EU and Republic of Ireland device to split the United Kingdom, unify Ireland, and punish the British people for daring to vote to leave its empire.

If the Prime Minister announces a sell-out deal with the EU next week – as we predict – then this will be one more thoroughly shameful step in the decline of our governing Establishment. And it will be completely unacceptable.

Facts4EU.Org is now leading the charge to warn off the PM before it’s too late for the people of Northern Ireland, too late for peace, and too late to defend the fundamental principles of sovereignty and freedom. Will you support us?

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Reports like the one above take far longer to research, write and produce than many people realise. If they were easy, readers would see other organisations also producing these daily. However, there’s little point in the Facts4EU.Org team working long hours, seven days-a-week, if we lack the resources to promote them effectively – to the public, to MPs, and to the media. This is where you come in, dear reader.

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[ Sources: DUP | Hansard ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Wed 15 Feb 2023

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