“Most dangerous world since the end of the Cold War,” says PM Rishi Sunak

“There can be no doubt that the era of the peace dividend is clearly over,” says Defence Secretary

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The Facts4EU team analyses the UK Government’s defence pledges announced in Warsaw

On Tuesday (23 Apr 2024) the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was in Warsaw, meeting the anti-UK and anti-Brexit Polish PM Donald Tusk and the NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. The UK’s PM announced a major uplift in UK defence spending. Below we summarise what this means to the British people and to our armed forces.

We ask the fundamental question :“Whilst welcoming any increase, is this too little, too late?”

Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

UK defence spending to rise – but slowly

  • Defence spending to increase to 2.5% of GDP by 2030
  • Defence to receive an additional £75 billion over six years
  • The UK will remain the second largest defence spender in NATO after the US
  • Other countries (e.g. Poland) have committed to 4% of GDP on defence

[Sources: UK government | NATO.]

“UK’s defence industry on a war footing,” says PM

Delivering a speech alongside NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Poland, a country at the forefront of the EU’s defence with its Ukrainian border, the Prime Minister said we are at a turning point in European security and urged allies to step up.

“An axis of autocratic states like Russia, Iran and China are increasingly working together to undermine democracies and reshape the world order. They are also investing heavily in their own militaries and in cyber capabilities and in low-cost technology, such as the Shahed attack drones Iran fired towards Israel last weekend.”

“This poses a direct threat to the lives and livelihoods of people in the UK, as well as across Europe and the wider world” said the PM.

NATO’s view

Visiting the base of the Warsaw Armoured Brigade, the NATO Secretary General welcomed Prime Minister Sunak’s announcement of a major new package of military support for Ukraine, which includes more ammunition, air defence, and deep precision strike capabilities. Mr Stoltenberg said that NATO is now addressing how to put support for Ukraine on a more robust and predictable footing, including with a multi-year financial commitment, adding that the UK's commitment sets us in “the right direction".

The Secretary General further welcomed that the UK will spend 2.5% of GDP on defence by 2030, saying that "once again, the UK is leading by example". At the base, Mr Stoltenberg greeted troops from the Queen’s Dragoon Guards, a cavalry regiment of the British Army with more than 300 years of history, specialising in reconnaissance.

During his meeting with Prime Minister Tusk, the Secretary General praised Poland for its continued investment in defence spending – around 4% of GDP, topping the NATO table – and its procurement of key capabilities, including F35 aircraft.

The statement from No.10 said that the UK armed forces are world-leading - despite repeated cutbacks - but the Prime Minister has said that we must take further action now to deter these growing threats.

Poland now tops NATO’s European table, says NATO Secretary General

Visiting the base of the Warsaw Armoured Brigade, the NATO Secretary General welcomed Rishi Sunak’s announcement of a major new package of UK military support for Ukraine, which includes more ammunition, air defence, and deep precision strike capabilities.

Mr Stoltenberg said that NATO is now addressing how to put support for Ukraine on a more robust and predictable footing, including with a multi-year financial commitment, adding that the UK's commitment sets us in “the right direction".


“Whilst welcoming any increase, is this too little, too late?”

A commitment to raise UK defence spending to 2.5% of GDP may sound positive, but this pledge is for the end of the decade, when the current government will almost certainly not be in power. Liz Truss promised this almost a year ago, before she was ousted.

For the last eight years Facts4EU.Org has argued for a doubling at minimum, to 4% of GDP, which is what the Polish government has committed to.

If there is indeed “a direct threat to the lives and livelihoods of people in the UK, as well as across Europe and the wider world” as Rishi Sunak says, then why are we messing around with small incremental increases over the next six years?

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[ Sources: UK Government | NATO ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Thurs 25 Apr 2024

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