EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “I refuse to believe we can't turn this around,” says Lord Frost

The Government’s ex-Brexit negotiator - on the Tory Party, the election, taxes and defence - Part V

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“Cut the state, cut the dead hands of the bureaucracy, bring back markets and enterprise.”

We conclude ‘The Frost Report’ - our five-part interview with Lord Frost - with this final instalment in which he discusses the Tory Party’s election prospects and lays out a radical agenda for economic growth and increased defence spending.

He strongly advocates a return to lower tax and spend as the foundation of long-term sustainable growth, with a firm commitment to private enterprise and free markets as the best way to achieve this.

On defence, he provides a chilling warning about the state of the world and the dangers now facing the West, and urges Britain to get serious by pushing up spending in this vital area.

Finally, he discusses the dire state of the Conservative Party and what needs to be done to win back support among its own voters before the general election.

Below we present Part V of this series – a 10 minute video interview – together with some selected quotes from what Lord Frost has to say about economic and defence policy as well as the fortunes of the Conservative Party.

Well worth watching!

Direct YouTube link.

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Brexit Facts4EU.Org Summary

Extracts from Part V of this interview with Lord David Frost

On the Conservative Party and the Election

“I refuse to believe we can't turn this around.”

“Obviously, we're not going to turn it around by just doing more of what we're doing at the moment and hoping something turns up. We need to do some of the things we've been talking about to bring back Conservative voters to the party.”

“Most of them are just sitting on their hands, fed up with what they see as a party in a government that isn't doing what they want to do. And if we can get serious about doing what they want to do, then we can change that.”

“So, I refuse to give up. But at the moment we're not doing the right thing and obviously we're going to lose badly.”

On the Economy

“Tax and spending is far too high. That's the starting point. It's the highest it's been for 50, 70 years, depending on how you count it.”

“We know that high tax countries over time grow less fast than low tax countries. And we've just got to get back to this position where the state is smaller and more is left to enterprise and the private sector.”

“The arteries of the economy have furred up, and we need to bring them back. And that is going to require a very major reform programme.”

“Cut the state, cut the dead hands of the bureaucracy, bring back markets and enterprise.”

On Defence

“The world's got more dangerous in the last decade or so. We're finally woken up to that and we, the UK, we the West need to get serious about dealing with that.”

“We've been very complacent, we've looked very weak and it's encouraged our opponents and enemies, and we need to put an end to that and get tough again.”

“If we live in a zero-growth economy, then defence spending has to come at the expense of something else. And that always makes the politics much, much more difficult. If we can get back to growth, then it becomes much easier to do these things and push it up to the right level. So, all these things are connected.”

On Defence Expenditure

“I think we should be trying to get to 3% [of GDP], if I'm honest.

“We can only do what's necessary in our country, but we can give a lead, perhaps to others and being ambitious on it.”


We would like to thank Lord Frost one last time for giving up his time to take part in this wide-ranging, in-depth series of interviews with our Chairman. It has been a fascinating discussion with many constructive and interesting ideas for his party and its supporters to think about.

We re-iterate our commitment to political neutrality but as ever we hope the enclosed exchange stimulates thoughtful debate.

Finally, we are grateful to readers who donated to enable this to happen. We badly need more of you to donate, to cover the additional costs of a project like this. Thank you in advance if you can help us to recoup some more of the costs.

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[ Sources: Lord Frost ] Politicians and journalists can contact us for details, as ever.

Brexit Facts4EU.Org, Sun 05 May 2024

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